To accelerate the construction of freight dedicated line to facilitate the integration of container center and port 加快铁路货运专线建设推动集装箱中心站和港口一体化
The Reason And Research on Countermeasure for Cost Increase of Chinese Freight Container Transportation for Highway System 我国集装箱公路运输成本上涨成因及对策研究
THC is a component part of the freight in international container liner transportation; 在性质上属于国际集装箱班轮运费的组成部分;
Main business: shipping, air freight cargo freight forwarders, container station international integrated logistics services, international sea and rail intermodal shipping agency business and so on. 主要经营:海运、空运进出口货物的运输代理,国际集装箱场站综合物流业务,国际海铁多式联运以及船舶代理业务等。
The Game Analysis on Freight Rate between China Railway Container Transport Company and Logistics enterprises 中铁集装箱运输公司在运价上与物流企业展开的博弈分析
Shipping, Logistics, Warehousing Distribution, Air Freight, Container Repair Maintenance, Terminal Management, etc. 海运,物流,仓储配销,空运,货柜维修,港埠经营管理。
His work occupies him for the whole day. used empty freight container 他的工作使他整天没空。使用过的空运货货柜
Please work out ocean freight for both container and ro-ro vessel shipment, we need to calculate our cost. 请确认集装箱运输及滚滚船运输的海运费,以便我方核算成本。
Used empty freight container There was a cleared space around the bar. 使用过的空运货货柜柜台附近腾出一块空地。
Study on the Prediction of Freight Traffic Volume in Port Container Logistics Park 港口集装箱物流园区货运交通量预测研究
The MIS Design of Container Wharfs; The average weight of payload of container is one of important parameters for calculating the capacity of container operation in the freight stations such as container terminal, railway or road container stations. 集装箱平均货物重量是设计计算集装箱码头、路和公路集装箱场站拆装箱库容量的重要参数。
Price includes cost of goods, Carriage ( freight), and Insurance Paid by container to a named destination in the buyer's country. 包括货物费用、运费、承运商支付的保险费,运到买方指定的目的港的价格。
Because of the fluctuation on the freight, freight keeping has been an important issue concemed by all parties in container transportation. 集装箱运价的波动使得探讨运费保值的方法成为运输各方关注的重要问题。
Railway container transport integrating modern logistics is the development of railway freight transport inevitable trend, the mainline of this paper is accelerating railway container transport integrating modern logistics, this paper analyse the necessary of railway container transport integrating modern logistics. 铁路集装箱运输融入现代物流是铁路货物运输发展的必然趋势,本文以加快铁路集装箱运输融入现代物流为主线,对铁路集装箱运输融入现代物流的必要性进行了分析。
Problem and Improvement Founded in the Repairing of X_ ( 1K) Freight Container Special Flat Car X(1K)集装箱专用平车检修中发现的问题及改进
Stress Test of XN_6 Freight Container Flat Car Body XN6型集装箱平车车体应力测试
With the fast development of international container shipping, the freight rate in container shipping market has become a striking problem. 通过对试行的运价报备制度的作用与实质的分析提出了在目前国际集装箱运输市场以运价报备制度作为运价管理模式是合适的。
Research on the fluctuation rule of China Container Freight Index and forecasting of the trend of international container shipping market are very meaningful. 研究中国出口集装箱运价指数的波动规律,预测国际集装箱运输市场的趋势具有重要的意义。
The methods of sanitary treament to the freight container carried with vector of entry were also discussed. 重点探讨了入境的携带有媒介生物集装箱卫生处理方法。
With the rapid development of container freight and large container ships, container volume of goods handled will become the key factor in weighting up the port's role. 随着集装箱运输的快速增长和集装箱船舶的大型化,集装箱的吞吐量已经成为衡量港口作用和地位的主要标志。
An investigation and treatment on the freight container carried with vector of entry 入境集装箱携带媒介生物调查和处理
With the growing increase of international trade quality and the container freight volume, the competition among container terminals is becoming increasingly fierce. 随着国际贸易量的不断增长、集装箱货运量的突飞猛进,集装箱码头之间的竞争日趋激烈。
With the accelerated pace of economic globalization and the growing prosperity of the international economic and trade, the total amount of domestic and international freight keeps increasing, which promotes the rapid development of container transportation business. 随着经济全球化脚步地加快,国际间经济贸易日益繁荣,国内和国际货物运输总量不断增加,集装箱运输业务快速发展。
In the background of that the railway freight transport is developing to heavy haul and quick urgently, in order to release modern technology of freight transport, a vehicle factory developed a new 6-axle double-deck container vehicle, with high center of gravity. 在铁路货运迫切的朝着重载快捷化发展的背景下,为了充分发挥现代货运技术,某厂新研制了一种具有高重心特点的6轴双层集装箱车。
Freight strategy in the study, Railway Container Freight should be divided into three types: 1. Control of the government under the conditions of Railway Container Freight. 2. 在运价策略研究中,提出了铁路集装箱运价应分三类区别对待:1.政府控制条件下的铁路集装箱运价。
By the end of 2004, the freight and container volume has gained the aim of increasing twice, which is earlier by six years than scheduled plan and Chinese Maritime has got attracting achievement. 航运事业发展迅速,到2004年底,我国沿海和内河港口货物吞吐量、集装箱吞吐量已经提前6年实现翻一番的目标,中国海事工作也取得了令人瞩目的成就。
Railway freight volumn becomes bigger and bigger, and the container flat wagon plays a significant role in the railway freight transport. 铁道货物运输量变得越来越大,而快速集装箱平车在货物运输中起到相当重要的作用。
At present, with the rapid growth of rail freight traffic, the development of container transportation is also extremely fast. 目前,由于我国铁路货物运量的快速增长,铁路集装箱运输也随之发展起来。
The company provides customers both at home and abroad total with modern logistics solutions, international shipping agency, public freight forwarding, container depot management, warehousing, railway, road and barge transportation, project development and management. 公司致力于为国内外广大客户提供现代物流整体解决方案、国际船舶代理、公共货运代理、集装箱场站管理、仓储、铁路、公路和驳船运输、项目开发和管理。